Thursday, July 25, 2013

UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA Deadlines, Essays 2013-2014

UNC Kenan-Flagler’s deadlines for 2013-2014 are deadlines are as follows:

Early Action Round
Deadline: October 18, 2013
Interview Completed: December 2, 2013
Notification: December 13, 2013

Round 2
Deadline: December 9, 2013
Interview Completed: January 24, 2014
Notification: February 3, 2014

Round 3
Deadline: January 13, 2014
Interview Completed: March 10, 2014
Notification: April 11, 2014

Round 4
Deadline: March 14, 2014
Interview Completed: April 11, 2014
Notification: April 28, 2014

For more information, visit Kenan-Flagler’s admissions website.

UNC  Kenan-Flagler Essay Topics 2013-2014

Essay One (Required): What are the 2 or 3 strengths or characteristics that have driven your career success thus far? What are the other strengths that you would like to leverage in the future? (500 words maximum)
Essay Two (Required): Please describe your short and long term goals post-MBA. Explain how: your professional experience has shaped these goals; why this career option appeals to you; and how you arrived at the decision that now is the time and the MBA is the appropriate degree. (500 words maximum)
Essay Three (Required): What personal qualities or life experiences distinguish you from other applicants? How do these qualities or experiences equip you to contribute to UNC Kenan-Flagler? (500 words maximum)
Essay Four (Optional): If your standardized test scores are low, or if you have not had coursework in core business subjects (calculus, microeconomics, statistics, financial accounting), please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MBA curriculum. (300 words maximum)
Essay Five (Optional): Is there any other information you would like to share that is not presented elsewhere in the application? (300 words maximum)
Kenan-Flagler’s 2013-2014 application deadlines were announced earlier this June.  For more information, see the admissions website.

イェール大学スクール・オブ・マネジメント 締め切り、エッセイ2013-2014

Yale SOM Deadlines 2013-2014

Yale SOM’s 2013-2014 application deadlines are as follows:

Round 1
Deadline: September 25, 2013
Notification: December 9, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 9, 2014
Notification: April 4, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: April 24, 2014
Notification: May 22, 2014
For more information see Yale SOM’s admissions website.

Yale SOM Essay Topics 2013-2014
This year’s topics are as follows:

Essay 1
What motivates your decision to pursue an MBA?  (300 words maximum)
Essay 2
The Yale School of Management provides leadership education for broad-minded, rigorous, and intellectually curious students with diverse backgrounds; a distinctive integrated curriculum; connections to one of the great research universities in the world; and the broad reach of an innovative and expanding global network of top business schools.
What motivates you to apply to the Yale School of Management for your MBA? What will you contribute to Yale and Yale SOM?   (450 words maximum)
Yale SOM Director of Admissions Bruce Delmonico has also announced that this year’s application will feature video questions, which will give applicants “the opportunity to really tell us about yourself and give us a fuller sense of your candidacy.”
For more information see Yale SOM’s admissions website.

シカゴ大学ビジネススクール 締め切り、エッセイ2013-2014

Chicago Booth 2013-2014 Essay Topics

Short Answer Essays
Please respond to the following two essay prompts:
a. My favorite part of my work is… (250 words maximum)
b. I started to think differently when… (250 words maximum)

The Chicago experience will take you deeper into issues, force you to challenge assumptions, and broaden your perspective. In a four-slide presentation or an essay of no more than 600 words, broaden our perspective about who you are. Understanding what we currently know about you from the rest of the application, what else would you like us to know?
We have set forth the following guidelines:
The content is completely up to you. There is no right, or even preferred, approach to this essay. Feel free to use the software with which you are most comfortable. Acceptable formats for upload in the online application system are PowerPoint, Word, or PDF. However, we suggest converting your file to a PDF to preserve your intended formatting.
There is a strict maximum of four pages (presentation) or 600 words (essay), though you can provide fewer if you choose. All content must fit within four pages (presentation) or 600 words (essay).
The file size is limited to 16 MB.
The document will be viewed electronically, but we cannot support embedded videos, music, hyperlinks, or motion images.
The file will be evaluated on the quality of content and ability to convey your ideas, not on technical expertise.
Reapplicant Essay
Upon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or getting an MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words m aximum)
See Booth’s admissions website.

Chicago Booth Deadlines 2013-2014
The 2013-2014 Chicago Booth deadlines have been announced. This year’s three deadlines are below:
Round One
Application Deadline: October 3, 2013
Final Decision: December 19, 2013
Round Two
Application Deadline: January 8, 2014
Final Decision: March 27, 2014
Round Three
Application Deadline: April 3, 2014
Final Decision: May 21, 2014

レナード・N・スターン・スクール 締め切り, エッセイ 2013-2014

NYU  Stern Deadlines 2013-2014
The 2013-2014 NYU Stern deadlines four deadlines are:
Round 1
Deadline: October 15, 2013
Initial Notification*: December 15, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: November 15, 2013
Initial Notification: February 15, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: January 15, 2014
Initial Notification: June 1, 2014
Round 4
Deadline: March 15, 2014
Initial Notification: June 1, 2014
*Applicants will receive one of three initial notifications: invitation to interview, waitlist offer, or denial of admissions.
All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline. Any mailed portions of the application must be postmarked by the deadline date.
For more information, see Stern’s admissions website.

NYU  Stern Essay Topics 2013-2014
NYU Stern's  2013-2014 essay topics are as follows:

Candidates are required to respond to two questions and may complete a third optional essay. 
The NYU/Stern essay topics are as follows:
Essay 1: Professional Aspirations (750 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)
(a) Why pursue an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life?
(b) What actions have you taken to determine that Stern is the best fit for your MBA experience?
(c) What do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?
Essay 2: Choose either Option A or Option B
Option A: Your Two Paths (500 word maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)
The mission of the Stern School of Business is to develop people and ideas that transform the challenges of the 21st century into opportunities to create value for business and society. Given today’s ever-changing global landscape, Stern seeks and develops leaders who thrive in ambiguity, embrace a broad perspective and think creatively about the range of ways they can have impact.
(a) Describe two different and distinct paths you could see your career taking long term. How do you see your two paths unfolding?
(b) How do your paths tie to the mission of NYU Stern?
(c) What factors will most determine which path you will take?
Option B: Personal Expression
Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to convey your message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative. If you submit a non-written piece for Option B  (i.e., artwork or multimedia) or if you submit Option B via mail, please upload a brief description of your submission with your online application.
Guidelines for Option B:
Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned for any reason.
If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font.
If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum.
If you prepare a multimedia submission, you may mail a CD, DVD or USB flash drive to the Admissions Office. These are the only acceptable methods of submission.
Please do not submit an internet link to any websites or to a video hosting service such as YouTube.
The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate Essay 3 if we are unable to view your submission.
Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food), or any item that has been worn (e.g. clothing).
Candidates should also make sure to visit Stern’s website to review the size restrictions for Option B. Submissions that exceed the restrictions will not be accepted.
Essay 3: Optional
Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, further explanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retake the GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.
If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explain your reason in Essay 3.
If you are a re-applicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since your last application.

For more information see the admissions website

MITスローン 締め切り、エッセイ Topics 2013-2014

The 2013-2014 application deadlines for MIT/ Sloan’s MBA program are as follows:

Round 1
Deadline: September 24, 2013
Notification: December 20, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 7, 2014
Notification: April 1, 2014

All application materials must be received by 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the day of the deadline.  For more information, visit Sloan’s admissions website. 

MIT/ Sloan Essay Topics 2013-2014

"We are interested in learning more about how you work, think, and act. For each essay, please provide a brief overview of the situation followed by a detailed description of your response. Please limit the experiences you discuss to those which have occurred in the past three years."

In each of the essays, please describe in detail what you thought, felt, said, and did.
Essay 1:
The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled,
innovative leaders who improve the world and generate ideas that advance management practice.  Discuss how you will contribute toward advancing the mission based on examples of past work and activities.   (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)
Essay 2:
Describe a time when you pushed yourself beyond your comfort zone. (500 words or fewer, limited to one page)
Optional Essay:
The Admissions Committee invites you to share anything else you would like us to know about you, in any format.
For more information, see Sloan’s admissions website.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール 締め切、エッセイ2013-2014

Harvard Business School Essay Topic 2013-2014

The Harvard School of Business (HBS) has released its essay topic for the 2013-2014 admissions season. There is one question for the Class of 2016:

"You’re applying to Harvard Business School.  We can see your resume, school transcripts, extra-curricular activities, awards, post-MBA career goals, test scores and what your recommenders have to say about you.   What else would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy?

There is no word limit for this question.  We think you know what guidance we’re going to give here. Don’t overthink, overcraft and overwrite. Just answer the question in clear language that those of us who don’t know your world can understand."

In addition to this essay, applicants must also respond to a brief career essay, posed in HBS’s 2013-2014 online application. After selecting a target post-MBA industry and function, candidates must answer the following question:

How does pursuing an MBA support your choices above? (500 characters)
For the second year running, applicants invited to interview at HBS will be expected to complete and submit a written reflection in the 24 hours following their interviews. The question will read, “You’ve just had your HBS interview. Tell us about it. How well did we get to know you?” and will have no word limit. Those candidates invited to interview will be provided with specific instructions concerning this final reflection. See HBS admissions website

 ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール 締め切 2013-2014
The 2013-2014 Harvard Business School (HBS) deadlines have been announced for the Class of 2016!
The deadlines are as follows:
Round 1
Deadline: September 16, 2013
Notification: December 11, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 6, 2014
Notification: March 26, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: April 7, 2014
Notification: May 14, 2014 

All applications are due at 12 noon EST on the day of the deadline. If submitted after 12 noon, applications will be considered in the following round. See HBS admissions website.

ウォートン・スクール 締め切り、エッセイ 2013-2014

Penn Wharton Deadlines 2013-2014

The 2013-2014 Penn/Wharton deadlines are as follows:
Round 1
Deadline: October 1, 2013
Notification: December 17, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 7, 2014
Notification: March 25, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: March 27, 2014
Notification: May 6, 2014
Wharton has also announced its 2013-2014 MBA/MA-Lauder deadlines. The two deadlines are below:
Round 1
Deadline: October 1, 2013
Notification: December 17, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 7, 2014
Notification: March 25, 2014
All applications are due at 5:00 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline. For more information, see the Wharton admissions website

Essay Topics 2013-2014
Following up on this spring’s announcement of the application deadlines for the 2013-2014 admissions season, the Wharton adcom has also released its 2013-2014 essay topics.  Applicants this year must respond to two essay questions totaling 1,000 words, a decrease from last year.  The essay topics are listed below.
Required Questions:
1. What do you aspire to achieve, personally and professionally, through the Wharton MBA? (500 words)
2. Academic engagement is an important element of the Wharton MBA experience. How do you see yourself contributing to our learning community? (500 words)

Reapplicant Essay:
All reapplicants to Wharton are required to complete the Optional Essay.  Please use this space to explain how you have reflected on the previous decision on your application and to discuss any updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements). You may also use this section to address any extenuating circumstances. (250 words)
Optional Essay:
If you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Committee should be aware, please explain them here (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, or questionable academic performance, significant weaknesses in your application). (250 words)
For more information, see the Wharton admissions website.

Monday, July 22, 2013

ケンブリッジ・ジャッジ・ビジネス・スクール 締め切り2013-2014

Cambridge  Judge Deadlines 2013-2014

The Cambridge/Judge deadlines for the 2013-2014 admissions cycle are now available online.
The program’s four deadlines are as follows:
Round 1
Deadline: October 11, 2013
Interview Days: November 29 and December 2, 2013
Decision Release Date: December 6, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 10, 2014
Interview Day: February 21 and 24 and March 3, 2014
Decision Release Date: March 7, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: March 7, 2014
Interview Day: April 28 and 29, 2014
Decision Release Dates:  May 2, 2014
Round 4
Deadline: April 25, 2014
Interview Day: June 6 and 9, 2014
Decision Release Date: June 13, 2014

For more information about Judge’s application process,see the admissions website.

Berkeley Haas 締め切り、2013-2014

Berkeley Haas

Haas Deadlines 2013-2014
The 2013-2014 Berkeley/Haas deadlines are now available online. This year, Haas offers three deadlines, which are as follows:
Round 1
Deadline: October 16, 2013
Notification: January 15, 2014
Round 2
Deadline: January 8, 2014
Notification: March 26, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: March 12, 2014
Notification: May 15, 2014

For more information, visit Haas’s admissions website.

インシアード 締め切, エッセイ2013-2014

INSEAD Essay Topics 2013-2014

Job Description Essays
Essay 1
Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and, where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/products and results achieved. (250 words maximum)
Essay 2
Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. If you were to remain with your present employer, what would be your next step in terms of position? (250 words maximum)
Essay 3 (Optional)
An additional essay for those who are currently unemployed (250 words maximum)

Motivation Essays
Essay 1
Give a candid description of yourself, stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors, which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary. (600 words maximum)
Essay 2
Describe what you believe to be your two most substantial accomplishments to date (if possible specify one personal and one professional), explaining why you view them as such. (400 words maximum)
Essay 3
Describe a situation taken from your personal or professional life where you failed. Discuss what you learned. (400 words maximum)
Essay 4
Please choose one of the following two essay topics:
a. Have you ever experienced culture shock? What insights did you gain? (250 words maximum)
b. Describe the ways in which a foreigner in your country might experience culture shock. (250 words maximum)
Essay 5
a. Discuss your short and long term career goals… (300 words maximum)
b. …and how studying at INSEAD help you achieve your vision? (250 words maximum)
Essay 6 (Optional)
Is there anything that you have not mentioned in your application that you would like the Admissions Committee to know? (350 words maximum)

INSEAD Deadlines 2013-2014
The INSEAD deadlines for the program’s September 2014 intake have been released! The three deadlines are as follows:
Round 1
Deadline: October 2, 2013
Interview Decision Notification: November 8, 2013
Final Decision Notification: December 20, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: November 27, 2014
Interview Decision Notification: January 10, 2014
Final Decision Notification: February 21, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: March 5, 2014
Interview Decision Notification: April 11, 2014
Final Decision Notification: May 23, 2014
Applicants should note that applications must be submitted by midnight Central European Time on the day of the deadline. 

Please see here for more details. 

ミシガン大学 ロス・ビジネス・スクール 締め切り、エッセイ2013-2014

ミシガン大学 ロス・ビジネス・スクール 2013-2014  deadlines have been released. 

This year’s three deadlines are below:

Round 1
Deadline: October 1, 2013
Notification: December 20, 2013
Round 2
Deadline: January 2, 2014
Notification: March 14, 2014
Round 3
Deadline: March 3, 2014
Notification: May 15, 2014

All applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline. For more information,  see the Michigan/Ross admissions website.

ミシガン大学 ロス・ビジネス・スクール Essay Topics 2013-2014
The essay topics for the 2013-2014 admissions season at Michigan / Ross are below:
1. Introduce yourself to your future Ross classmates in 100 words or less.
2. a. What about your professional experiences has led you to determine that business school is the right next step? (150 words)
b. As you have researched MBA programs, what actions have you taken to learn more about Ross and what has led you to believe that Ross is the right MBA program for you? (150 words)
c. What career do you plan to pursue after business school and why? (150 words)
3. Describe a time in your career when you were frustrated or disappointed. What advice would you give to a colleague who was dealing with a similar situation? (400 word maximum)
4. Optional question: Is there anything else you think the Admissions Committee should know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (300 word maximum)
Ross posted its 2013-2014 application deadlines earlier this spring.  
For more information, see the Ross admissions website. 

コロンビア大学ビジネススクール 締め切り、エッセイ 2013-2014

The Columbia Business School (CBS) 2013-2014 deadlines  are as follows:

January 2013 Entry
Deadline: October 2, 2013

August 2014 Entry
Early Decision Deadline: October 2, 2013
Merit Fellowships Consideration Deadline: January 6, 2014
Regular Decision Deadline: April 9, 2014

Applicants should note that all applications are due at 11:59 p.m. EST on the day of the deadline. For more information, visit CBS’s admissions website 

Columbia Business School Essay Topics 2013-2014
The Columbia Business School essay topics for the 2013-2014 are below.  

All essays are required unless otherwise noted.
Short Answer Question
What is your immediate post-MBA professional goal? (100 characters maximum)
Essay 1
Given your individual background, why are you pursuing a Columbia MBA at this time? 
(Maximum 500 words)
Essay 2
Columbia Business School is located in the heart of the world’s business capital – Manhattan. 
How do you anticipate that New York City will impact your experience at Columbia? 
(Maximum 250 words)
Please view the videos below:
 New York City – limitless possibilities
 New York City – fast paced and adaptable
Essay 3
What will the people in your Cluster be pleasantly surprised to learn about you? (Maximum 250 words)
Optional Essay
An optional third essay will allow you to discuss any issues that do not fall within the purview of the required essays.
For additional information, please see the CBS admissions website. 

インド商科大学院 締め切り、エッセイ Topics 2013-14

ISB Deadlines 2013-2014
The Indian School of Business (ISB) deadlines for this fall’s admissions season have been released. The deadlines are as follows:
For Indian Passport Holders:
Cycle 1
Deadline: September 15, 2013
Notification on or before: November 15, 2013
Cycle 2
Deadline: November 30, 2013
Notification on or before: February 15, 2014
Early Entry Option
Deadline: January 15, 2014
Notification: March 31, 2014

For International Applicants:
International applicants are admitted based on a rolling deadline. The application is open until January 15, 2014. Applicants chosen for an interview will receive an admissions decision within three weeks of the interview date.
For additional information, applicants see ISB’s admissions website

ISB Essay Topics 2013-2014
ISB’s essays are now available and can be found in ISB’s online application, which is now live. The 2013-2014 essays are as follows:
Essay 1: Attitude, skills and knowledge differentiate people. Elaborate with two examples on how you would differentiate yourself. (300 words max)
Essay 2: How does the ISB PGP tie-in with your career goals? (300 words max)
Essay 3: Pick the most significant achievement (professional or personal) you have had and elaborate on the key learning you took away from it. (300 words max)
Optional Essay: Please provide additional information, if any, that will significantly affect the consideration of your application to the ISB. (300 words max)
For additional information, applicants should visit ISB’s admissions website.
ISB Essay Topics 2013-2014
ISB’s essays are now available and can be found in ISB’s online application, which is now live. The 2013-2014 essays are as follows:
Essay 1: Attitude, skills and knowledge differentiate people. Elaborate with two examples on how you would differentiate yourself. (300 words max)
Essay 2: How does the ISB PGP tie-in with your career goals? (300 words max)
Essay 3: Pick the most significant achievement (professional or personal) you have had and elaborate on the key learning you took away from it. (300 words max)
Optional Essay: Please provide additional information, if any, that will significantly affect the consideration of your application to the ISB. (300 words max)
For additional information, applicants visit ISB’s  admissions website

スタンフォード GSB 締め切り and エッセイ 2013-2014

The 2013-2014 Stanford GSB deadlines are now available online. 

This year’s three deadlines are as follows:
Round 1:
Deadline: October 2, 2013
Notification: December 11, 2013
Round 2:
Deadline: January 8, 2014
Notification: March 26, 2014
Round 3:
Deadline: April 2, 2014
Notification: May 7, 2014
All applications are due at 5:00 p.m. PST. 
Please see Stanford GSB’s admissions website

Stanford GSB エッセイTopics 2013-2014
The 2013-2014 Stanford GSB essay topics are:
Essay 1: What matters most to you, and why?
Essay 2: What do you want to do—REALLY—and why Stanford?
Essay 3: Answer one of the three questions below. Tell us not only what you did but also how you did it. What was the outcome? How did people respond? Only describe experiences that have occurred during the last three years.
Option A: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you built or developed a team whose performance exceeded expectations.
Option B: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you identified and pursued an opportunity to improve an organization.
Option C: Tell us about a time in the last three years when you went beyond what was defined or established.
Applicants are allotted 1,600 for their entire set of essays. Stanford has provided specific recommendations as to how candidates should allocate these words:
Essay 1: 750 words
Essay 2: 450 words
Essay 3: 400 words
For more information see Stanford GSB’s 2013-2014 essay topics, see the admissions website