Thursday, July 26, 2012

MBA IQ Service for Pre-MBA Study.

Poets&Quants has a very interesting article about pre-MBA courses for people anxious about entering an MBA program

The MBA IQ service is an interactive online curriculum designed to give students baseline knowledge in 12 core areas of business before they start their graduate degrees.

For a fee of $195 per person, enrollees receive 60 days' use of There, they can take quizzes to determine their own MBA IQ scores-- quantitative figures demonstrating an overall knowledge of business as well as individual scores for each of the dozen areas, or "modules."

Students can identify their weaknesses and study them, for example learning such things as the difference between static budgets and continuous budgets, the finer points of penetration testing, and how to calculate weighted-average cost of capital.

Students also have access to other self-assessment quizzes, 134 reading assignments, 1,000 E-flashcards, short daily lessons (example: "What is a Type I error?") and a 353-page workbook. 

Many of the best business schools hold pre-MBA summer boot camps for students who need a little extra help but they are often cursory reviews of the most common accounting or finance concepts.

The service already has several hundred customers and some are business schools, which get a bulk rate and offer the online program to their students either for free or at a discount as well as companies that pay a licensing fee and incorporate the program into their corporate universities. 

Ten corporations have subscribed, some of them using MBA IQ as their own "business acumen" programs. And MBA IQ is currently working out an agreement with book-publisher Wiley to sell the program directly to business schools and share the profits.

The University of Chicago's Booth School of Business recently began offering the MBA IQ to newly admitted and returning students for $175 per person. 

Source: CNN Money

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